Our Guide to Baby Weaning: From Purees to Pasta Parties

Hey there, fellow mamas and soon-to-be-mamas! Welcome to the rollercoaster ride known as baby weaning. If you're anything like me, you're probably navigating this messy milestone with a mix of excitement, trepidation, and a healthy dose of caffeine. Fear not, because I'm here to share my wisdom on how to kickstart this culinary adventure and survive with your sanity intact.

First things first, let's talk about how to dip your toes (and your baby's taste buds) into the wide world of solids. Whether you're going the traditional puree route or embracing the chaos of baby-led weaning, it's all about finding what works best for you and your little one. Personally, I opted for a mix of both because let's face it, variety is the spice of life, right?

Now, let's talk gear. We love our Solids Beginners Set. It's thoughtfully designed to make mealtime a breeze. Our starter set includes all the essentials ensuring your little one has everything they need to transition to solids. Crafted from high-quality food-grade silicone, our set is safe, durable, and easy to clean, providing peace of mind for parents. The ergonomic design of the easy-grip fork and spoon encourages independent feeding while promoting fine motor skills development.

But wait, there's more! No baby weaning journey is complete without a high chair that's sturdier than Fort Knox and easier to clean than your pre-baby self's Pinterest boards. We love the Ikea high chair. Trust me, you'll thank me later when you're scrubbing sweet potato out of every nook and cranny.

Now, let's talk recipes. Gone are the days of bland baby food jars from the grocery store (thank goodness). Thanks to the wonder that is the internet, you can find a plethora of baby-friendly recipes with just a few clicks. From avocado mash to quinoa bites, the options are endless. Pro tip: make extra and freeze it for those days when you just can't bear the thought of cooking.

And last but not least, don't forget to have fun with it! Baby weaning is as much about exploration and discovery as it is about nourishment. So embrace the mess, embrace the chaos, and most importantly, embrace the joy of watching your little one dive headfirst into a world of new flavours and textures. Happy weaning, mamas! May your floors be clean and your coffee be strong.

Daisy xx
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